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Tommybag, a private company founded by Mr. Tommy Widjaja in 1998, proven successful in forecasting, the market demands of a reliable supplier to sustain the growth of retail industry. He visualize that the growth of retailer industry will be enormous, thus their needs of packaging.

Realizing that every brand mirror an individuality that will reflect instantly on their packaging appearances; Different in concept, art style, and functionality will lead into different size, custom paper color, and usability. He understands that the essence to succeed in this business lays out thumb rules, which were Quality of the product, Delivery on schedule and Competitive Price which has always been our philosophy all these passing years.

Tommybag was one of the pioneer paper bag manufacturer bases in Jakarta. We have bought many leading innovative ideas to the market. The usage of Non-Toxic glue and a Soy-Ink have proven to be more environmentally friendly, provide more accurate colors and make it easier to recycle paper. Today, Tommybag is now regarded as one of the leading packaging manufacturer in Indonesia; Consisting of not only Paper bag, but other packaging product as well.

Advancing on skilled staff, introducing automated machinery and implementing lean management system, are necessary step to lead Tommybag to the next level. As a company whom concerned environmentally, Our primary focus stays on Recyclable material such as Paper, Board and Nonwoven material which include Paper bag, Paper box, Greaseproof bag, and Nonwoven bag. Our Printing has been proven to deliver top notch quality; our product proves more functionality (durable) and our waste proven to be more environmental friendly.

We hope that we could bridge designer’s idea to strive their desire fulfilling market demands.

focus on what’s important, simple, innovative

and make your brand gain more success

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Few things we know to be true We first wrote these when Tommybag was just a few years old. From time to time we revise this list to see if it still holds true. We hope it does—and you can hold us to that.

1. Quality, Delivery and Price.

Since the beginning, we’ve focused on providing the best quality possible. And it’s always in that particular order for us to ensure our customer satisfaction.

In Tommybag, we have high expectation with our product and we take great care to ensure that they will ultimately serve you. We would never deliberately offer a faster delivery or a lower price for the sake of jeopardizing our quality or bottom line.

2. Fast is better than slow.

We know your time is valuable, so when you’re seeking a product from us, you want it right away–and we aim to please. We may be the only people in the world who can say our goal is to have people leave our service as quickly as possible.

By training our staff, applying modern technology and introducing new techniques, we’re able to increase production capacity efficiently.

We’ve broken our own speed records many times over, and we keep speed in mind with each new product we release. Because time is priceless.

3. Price is only essential, but not everything

Lower cost are initially an attractive alternative, however, we know the lower cost materials quite often mean more work on our end, even for some simple tasks like pick-up and delivery, or worse yet, the necessity to return and replace the unusable materials. You don’t always get “more” by paying more;

All of our subcontractors and suppliers know and understand how valuable they are to the success of our projects. “I’ll handle it” are golden words to any designer because it frees your time and makes the customer experience that much better. Our team lives by those words, and project completions reflect that attitude. If our delivery is short a piece or two, he won’t tell you he’ll come back next week after we supply the missing materials, he just gets the missing materials and finishes the job. Going beyond baseline services is a reflection of how we function as a team. Overall, they’re a tremendous support, and there’s value that cannot be quantified, but is certainly recognized and appreciated.

Some customers may start out buying packaging based on price, but eventually all customer understand the downside and ultimate cost of the lesser quality materials. the old adage: “You get what you pay for” certainly holds true with us.

4. You can be serious without a suit

Our founders built Tommybag around the idea that work should be challenging, and the challenge should be fun. We believe that great, creative things are more likely to happen with the right company culture–and that doesn’t just mean lava lamps and rubber balls. There is an emphasis on team achievements and pride in individual accomplishments that contribute to our overall success. We put great stock in our employees–energetic, passionate people from diverse backgrounds with creative approaches to work, play and life. Our atmosphere may be casual, but we’re a devotees.

5. Great just isn’t good enough

We see being great at something as a starting point, not an endpoint. We set ourselves goals we know we can’t reach yet, because we know that by stretching to meet them we can get further than we expected. Through innovation and iteration, we aim to take things that work well and improve upon them in unexpected ways.

For example, when one of our engineers saw that our paper bag look well for properly normal usage, he wondered about how it could handleheavier goods. That led him to create more robust type paper bag.

Even if you don’t know exactly what you’re looking for, finding an answer is our problem, not yours. We try to anticipate needs not yet articulated by our global audience, and meet them with products and services that set new standards.

When we lunch our White Kraft paper bags, it could handle 18kg; more weight capability than any other supplier available. In retrospect offering that seems obvious–but that’s because now we have new standards for paper bag.

Those are the kinds of changes we seek to make, and we’re always looking for new places where we can make a difference. Ultimately, our constant dissatisfaction with the way things are becomes the driving force behind everything we do.

6. You can make money without doing evil

Tommybag is a business. The revenue we generate is derived from growing retail industries, promotions and other functional self-served purposed.

Thousands of thousands of retailer worldwide use packaging to promote their products; hundreds of thousands of brands take advantage of our service to promote a brand of their own.

To ensure that we’re ultimately serving all our customers, we have a set of guiding principles for our product and services:

  • We don’t allow cheating in the game. When we displayed our detail specification on the quotation, you will receive it as it is. No shrink on paper size or thickness, no reduce ink, no shorter ropes and no less quantity.
  • We believe that promoting can be effective without being flashy. By “flashy” here, we mean expensive. Is not like we dislike the additional income We always tends to give feedback of our capabilities of “what might works”. Having options sometimes it just what you need. We have proven many times that without being flashy, through research, we’ve found that simpler (readable) design draw higher attentions. And it cost less too. So why spend more on something you could achieve when you spend less? Cheap cost doesn’t always ends with “crappy” results.
  • We don’t leaks customer Ideas. It is often found that we give services to our customers who turn out to be competitors. Or in the midst of launching a new product with secrecy involve. A question pops, what kinds of ideas are they making? What kinds of product they were launching? Our users trust our objectivity and no short-term gain could ever justify breaching that trust.

7. It’s best to do one thing really, really well

We do manufacturing. we know what we do well, and how we could do it better. Through continued iteration on difficult problems, we’ve been able to solve complex issues and provide continuous improvements. Our hope is to able to continue being a designer interpreter, while staying recyclable.